Turnbull On Notice


It now appears likely that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and the Liberal-National Coalition will just blunder through with the numbers to form minority government, one week after the 2 July Federal election was held.21582186424_a51dd284fc_malcolm-turnbull

Prime Minister Turnbull would be wise not to take the election win (if we can actually call it that) as a vote of confidence in his leadership, but as a firm message that his prime ministership is on notice.

Likewise, it would be sensible for Bill Shorten to tone down his celebration of Labor’s non-victory as some kind of achievement (other than possibly keeping his own job as opposition leader), as this election has seen Labor’s primary vote slump to record lows.

Australians have made it patently clear that they are not happy with either of the major parties, with nearly a quarter of all voters voting for a party or independent, other than Labor or the Liberal National-Coalition.

Turnbull and Shorten, heed the message from the Australian public: You’re leadership is on notice.


Photo by DonkeyHotey