Top 10 Facts on Islam


Dr Ikbin Depp

4760275339_d1d55c716c_Gays-for-islam1) Islam is a race.  People do not become Muslims, they are born that way.  Criticising Islam makes you guilty of racism.

2) No Muslims are like ISIS. I think Q&A proved that the other day. Next time you hear someone say something bad about any Muslim’s actions, just remember they must be talking about ALL muslims, and by that logic, they must be wrong.

3) Only bad Muslims kill – and that makes them non-Muslims – therefore Muslims do not kill. Next time a former Muslim goes on a rampage, be careful to note that he cannot be a Muslim, even if he shouts words like “Allahu Akbar.”

4) Islamic migration brings peace and prosperity to communities. A cursory glance at the facts proves this as a self evident truth.

5) Islamic people love diversity. We started the Pride Parade. The “I” in LGBTI is for Islam. We are not misogynistic or homophobic. We are queer as folk.

6) Islam teaches peaceful coexistence. We cannot tell a lie, even if it is for strategic advantage. And we do not have an “us and them” mentality.

7) If you do not like Islam, all you have to do is politely tell the Mosque that you are leaving. We will accept your decision with no consequences. It’s easier than joining or leaving Facebook

8) We really do not care if you draw pictures of our Prophet. Seriously, it’s just a cartoon. Why would that bother us? Do you think we are THAT insecure? Pfffft. That must be Zionist lies.

9) We love Jews. Great people. One God. They were victims a while back. And those non-Muslims killing them in the Middle East really upsets us every time. So sad. Memo to Christians or whoever is killing the Jews… What Would Mohammed Say 😉

10) We are the Religion of Peace. Fact: No Muslim has ever harmed another Muslim. Because Peace.

Photo by Peter O’Connor aka anemoneprojectors