So, who did you vote for?


13165337023_3f72c0182d_Australian-House-of-representativesPolitics, like religion, is a private and deeply personal matter. It is fitting that successful democracies have enshrined the right to the secret ballot, so that people can express the inner-most political desires free of any type of persuasion, other than their own conscience. It is telling that undemocratic societies, such as unions, resist any attempt to allow secret ballots, so that social pressure and physical intimation can be used to achieved the desired result.

So, keep voting a personal matter. It is something nobody can take away from you. It is your chance to have an influence larger than yourself, even if it is only every few years…

But who are we kidding, this is the internet.

So, who did you vote for in the 2016 Australian Federal Election?  Why?

Was your vote in the Senate different to your vote in the House of Representatives?

Who do you think will win government? Liberal or Labor? Who do you think will hold the balance of power in the Senate?

Which parties do you think will do better than last time? Which will do worse?

Will there be any shocks? Or is it all just too predictable?

AFL or Rugby? Union or League? Do you prefer to put the milk in first, or do you let the tea brew?

Let us know your thoughts, and let your voice be heard.

Photo by Sidneiensis