Wowsers ban grid girls


2472466646_1e97ea8bb8_Grid-girlsIn response to the ending of Grid Girls at the Clipsal 500 in Adelaide, Grumpy Motorist has the following to say:

Just saw on the “news” (Today Show while I am in a waiting room) that there are calls to remove grid girls from Aussie motor racing…. I ask you what are you going to watch now if they are removed?

There are two things that people care about when it comes to Australian motor racing… Grid girls and crashes – everything else is a non-event.

The only exception is formula 1 where we also support the token Aussie in the Red Bull team to beat the pants off that little arrogant German pr—.

imageAnd if there are females who are able to compete against the males I am happy for there to be scantly clad grid guys for the perving of the females.

Take not away the eye candy of motor racing. Instead embrace it! Cherish it! Encourage it!

May the tops be tight, the dresses short, and the colours bright!

Photo by garryknight