Quote of the Day: From CSIRO to bus-boy


e033b90d2bf61c3e81584d04ee44408be273e7d01bb9134190f7_640_WaiterA decade or two ago, any true-blooded Aussie would have defended the scientific jewel in Australia’s crown, the CSIRO, and spoke out against cuts to its funding. These days, after years of politicised reports telling us that our love of airconditioners is killing unicorns, we can’t help but crack a few jokes at the CSIRO’s expense.

And with cuts to its budget looming, the schadenfreude is just winding up. Take this ripper, which we are quoting with permission, seen somewhere on the internet:

“From b___s___ climate science on good money to picking up glasses at the pub! Their ABC should give thought to a comedy series along those lines! For them “the science is settled” could be a good name for that show! Time gents! hehe.”


It’s your XYZ.