Let’s Become Social Justice Warriors


12745814_10153432732627336_4573441972833054041_nGo forth and tweet these important messages: ‪#‎GangViolenceIsSoBlack‬ – come on whiteys – lets get equal! ‪#‎MigrantsAreSoIslamic‬. Come on Kafirs, start migrating to the Middle East, where the benefits of Islamic culture await!

#‎SelfCensorshipMatters‬ This one is critical. Group-think is not formal law yet, but it is important to get the message out there that correctness implies right and wrong, so political correctness requires we self censor from saying that which is wrong (wrong according to our progressive overlords, not the theocracy as was the practice pre-enlightenment… or in the Islamic world today).

And finally my favorite ‪#‎WeAreAllObeseWhiteMen‬ Because its just patently and factually incorrect – and insulting too.