Independent Review clears XYZ of Bias


imageAn independent review conducted by a respected News Corp journalist has cleared The XYZ of allegations of bias. The XYZ has been plagued by unfounded charges of bias since its inception, not helped by The XYZ’s repeated insistence that it aims to be as biased to the side of cultural libertarian and classically liberal principal as the ABC is toward those of “progressivism.”

Nevertheless, it has been found that the “perception” of bias at The XYZ has “no basis in fact.” The respected News Corp journalist who conducted the review was reported to have dismissed the need for an enquiry even before his investigation, labelling it a “crazy f—ing witch hunt,” and in his final report, slammed the climate of “fear and intolerance” whipped up by the left leaning media.

In conclusion, it was stated that those who were concerned about media outlets which do not toe the “progressive” line, were “a bunch of whiney weenies.”

To gain an insight into the methodology used to conduct the review, feel free to watch the following video.