British legal system hates its protectors


The XYZ recently reported on the prosecution of British soldiers by the British legal system for actions committed in the service of their country in Iraq. Beside the fact that this is exceedng the civil legal system’s jurisdiction, the logical corollary of this is that terrorists who could not beat one of the world’s best best militaries on the battlefield, will use the politically correct, social-justice-activist British legal system against it instead.

The latest outrage has been reported by The Telegraph:

“Veterans group expresses outrage at unlawful killing investigation despite fact that lethal shot prevented insurgent firing rocket propelled grenade at British base – A British sniper is being investigated for shooting dead an Iraqi insurgent preparing to fire a rocket propelled grenade because he did not shout a warning, according to a pressure group representing former members of the armed forces.”

Given the shot was made over a distance of almost 1200 metres, this is just stupid. In the words of XYZ contributor Grumpy Motorist, “The complete idiocy of the British legal system continues to show the world it hates its protectors.”

The Iraq Historic Allegations Team (IHAT) has gone well beyond its initial brief. If its harassment of British soldiers is allowed to continue, it won’t just “(inhibit) the operational effectiveness of (British) troops because they start to worry about whether they will end up in a court or not.” It could undermine the defence of the United Kingdom.

Photo by Defence Images