Muslims should not be forced to sing the national anthem, the Victorian Islamic Council has said today.
Ghaith Krayem, the former head of the association said that “forcing people to sing the national anthem is un-Australian.”
I absolutely agree with these statements from the Ghaith Krayem and the Victorian Islamic Council. And particularly, Muslims should not be forced or coerced into doing anything that violates their religion or culture.
Muslims should not be forced to accept Australian citizenship, or to express any loyalty to our nation.
Likewise, Muslims should not be forced to receive tax payer funded welfare, or forced to use Australian health and education services.
Muslims should not be forced to drive their cars on Australian roads, indeed, Muslims should not be forced to use any technology developed by the infidel or kaffir.
Muslims should not be forced to watch television, use computers or
iPhones, eat bacon or sliced bread.
Muslims should not be forced to use electricity, modern plumbing, or travel by airplane.
Above all else, Muslims should not be forced to live in a culture or country whose values they disagree with.
It’s the XYZ.