The XYZ Quote of the Day could go to UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, for this pearler he made before a meeting of 70 countries at UN Headquarters yesterday:
“The future does not belong to those who seek to build walls or exploit fears.”
We could point out that he seems to be reading from a similar UN script to Barack “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam” Obama, or even from Pope “I’m not a communist, but” Francis. But we would rather direct you to this anonymous rebuttal, seen on the internet:
“His (ban Ki Moon’s) country has been at war with its other half for decades! Split down the middle with barbed wire, guard towers & land mines! Why don’t they open their borders?”
This reminds us of the old saw that often, the best humour is unintentional.
It’s your XYZ.