Mad Mustafa


Diversity just isn’t what it used to be. British Student Unionist Bahar Mustafa is employed as a “student welfare and diversity officer” at the University of London Goldsmiths campus (by the Union, of course, not the University). She previously survived an attempt to remove her from the role for asking white men not to attend a students’ union meeting intended for ethnic minority women and “non-binary attendees”.

Mustafa has now been charged with sending racially offensive and threatening messages via a communication network. This was a result of her celebrating student diversity with the charming hashtag ‪#‎killallwhitemen‬. It seems to us to be somewhat off the mark when it comes to both welfare and diversity, but Mustafa is well regarded enough among the comrades to retain her “welfare and diversity” position in the Union for now.

Note: Please do enjoy too the politically correct inspired anal retentiveness of the Guardian, which adds the following addendum to the story as published on its website: ‘This article was amended on 7 October 2015. It originally referred to “non-binary” women. That should have been non-binary attendees. This has been corrected.’