Taking offence taking to a new level


The Fairfax press will stop at nothing in its jihad against conservative voices in the Australian media – especially those that rate their pants off and accumulate revenue at a rate faster than that at which the ailing publisher accumulates debt.

Today, the Sneering Morning Herald had Ray Hadley in its sights. Now, readers, this correspondent would rather listen to the sound of a goat urinating (possibly even on one of my own body parts) than tune in to ranting Ray. But hey, if the punters want Ray, who are we to tell them who to listen to? Let the goat hold its bladder and let Ray rule the airwaves.

There’s no such love over at the SMH for free speech however. The professional offence takers masquerading as journalists there have uncovered, and devoted a whole important sounding article to, an obscure statute from the NSW Oaths Act 1900 that holds out the possibility Ray may have committed a criminal offence, in addition to a moral or social one, in asking Scott Morrison to swear an oath on the Bible in his studio last week. Any sentence with the word “offence” in it is just manna from heaven to these self entitled scribes, and so, in for the kill….

imageWhat a letdown it was, then, for the article to end with the alarming revelation that the only person to have actually been successfully prosecuted under these laws was a recalcitrant Justice of the Peace – in -wait for it – 1904. No more… errr… recent cases could be uncovered in the SMH’s earnest scoop.

Ray Hadley must be so worried. What will the SMH accuse him of next – being present on a licensed premise with beer in hand after 6pm?

Source: Did Ray Hadley commit an offence in bruising encounter with Scott Morrison?