Swans chairman: Adam Goodes booers like rape victim blamers


The dizzying and absurd heights of the Adam Goodes saga continues…

When you thought that this saga couldn’t escalate any further, the chairman of the Sydney Swans, Andrew Pridham, has branded the actions of booers and those holding Adam Goodes responsible for the booing affair as akin to blaming the victims of rape.

This tops off the absurd and disturbing heights that the Adam Goodes booing saga has reached. Rather than quelling tensions and working towards harmony and unity, the AFL and club officials have escalated the tensions and bad feelings to distressing and dangerous levels.

I thought the AFL was supposed to be an advocate and major partner for multiculturalism and reconciliation in our nation?

The continuation and escalation of this saga has only created more division and left, not only footy fans, but many in our nation, feeling bruised and hurt. Australians are, and deserve better than this.

It’s your XYZ.