SBS planned TV show ‘staring’ Zaky Mallah


The Weekend Australian has reported today that SBS was considering a plan to produce a television show staring convicted criminal and Islamist ‘celebrity’ Zaky Mallah.

Filming of the newimage show was intended to commence as early as next Wednesday, however the Federal Government is confident that production of the show will now not go ahead.

One wonders what additional evidence is needed to show that our national broadcasters are way out of touch and are not acting in the interest of the Australian public they are called to serve?

What is becoming crystal clear are the numerous occasions that the ABC and SBS are working to undermine our nation and Australian culture.

As we have said at the XYZ many times before, it is long overdue to defund the ABC and SBS, and let them compete in the market place like all other media outlets, rather than these propaganda machines having a billion dollar plus advantage over everyone else.

It’s the XYZ