Same-sex marriage – inviting the government and politics into the bedroom


I the first part: Political turn-coats come out of the closet over same-sex marriage I discussed the intriguing movement from hostile feminist and queer theories on marriage, and the disengagement of younger generations from the institution, to the rapid and persistent rise of the same-sex marriage movement, which seemingly coming from nowhere, has arisen to become one of the most dominant political issues of our time.

I find the movement for same-sex marriage quite an intriguing one.

What’s more, there are a number of questions that remain largely unanswered, or at least, insufficiently answered. They are:

1) Where did it come from?


2) What does the movement seek to achieve?

I for one am still unable to put my finger on exactly where the movement arose. It appeared to have popped up out of nowhere, in contradiction to broader social and political movements of the time. Yet, my hunch is that the same-sex marriage movement is actually linked to the previous movements which were critical of the institution of marriage and looked forward to its demise. This becomes clear with the increasingly lower rates of marriage among men and women, and same-sex couples, even when they are given the opportunity to marry.

Secondly – what does the movement seek to achieve? Well, despite all the rhetoric, it actually isn’t about marriage. Fewer couples continue to marry, and in cases where same-sex marriage has been introduce, very few same-sex couples have actually opted for it.

So if same-sex marriage is not about marriage, what is it about? I do not have a fully lolliesdeveloped understanding of what this might be. However, the movement towards same-sex marriage, looking below the surface, continues in the tradition of the earlier feminist and queer movements to undermine the institution of marriage, and its existence as an institution independent of the state.

I have been shocked at some of the memes produced over the last few days calling for the prime minister to ‘recognise’ the love of same-sex marriage. Frankly, I couldn’t care less whether the prime minister ‘recognises’ the love between me and my wife, and most people seem to feel the same way. After all, it is none of his business.

It is strange that after sustained calls for the government to get out of people’s bedrooms, the same-sex marriage lobbiests are inviting politicians, bureaucrats and activists into the most private and intimate parts of their lives. Why?

Although I can quite put my finger on it, the questions need to be asked, and the conversation needs to continue, despite those who wish to silence any discussion and debate, slandering those with different opinions or misgivings as ‘bigots’ and ‘homophobes’

The jury is still out on what exactly is going on, and what the same-sex marriage movement actually seeks to achieve. This is still an ongoing conversation, regardless of those who think the matter has been settled – it has not.

Please let us know your thoughts on this topic.

It’s the XYZ.