The protein problem: why eating too much chicken might not help your diet | Life and style | The Guardian



imageThe sort of thing that occupies the earnest types at The Guardian.

“From the standpoint of climate change, plant-based diets win every time,” says Marion Nestle, professor of nutrition and public health at New York University. “Plants have plenty of protein and the protein is high enough in quality as long as the foods are varied – combining beans and rice, for example. All of the major concerns about diets – greenhouse gases, environmental degradation, treatment of animals and human health – all get taken care of by diets that are largely, if not exclusively, plant-based.”

So red meat is out due to climate change concerns – cows farting I expect. And there are concerns about the ethical farming of chicken. But it’s not all bad news for the discerning Greenie, wanting to dine in an earth conscious sustainable way, that reduces their carbon footprint, whilst, at the same time, ensuring they are not pronounced clinically dead.

Apparently there’s quite a bit one can do with bok choy and boiled rice. Bon appetite leftards.

Source: The protein problem: why eating too much chicken might not help your diet | Life and style | The Guardian