XYZ is on the money on the Culture War


This story has been flogged far and wide, but it is worth a little more examination. The XYZ presents two articles, the first as an example of the self-loathing flagellation and mental gymnastics to which the left has subjected itself, the highlight of which is the revelation of a paranoid fear that one might be racist. Might on also like guns? Heaven forbid.

The second is a cutting critique from Rita Panahi:

“Those keen to portray fans as racist tend to be miserable self-loathing Leftists who see Australia as some backward, xenophobic corner of the world. Goodes being booed is just another reason to slam their country as racist. The truth is immaterial.”

“The failure of some to understand why Goodes is disliked leads them to conclude that it must be about race.

Their lack of insight and intellect means innocent footy supporters are branded bigots.”

This shows that The XYZ is on the money – even The Age’s readers poll has more saying the booing of Adam Goodes is not racially motivated. Of course, the ABC doesn’t question this, it just assumes the worst of all Australians (white Australians that is) and labels them (us) racists.

As Pahani has pointed out, this is “weapons grade stupidity.”image