Lefties embroiled in censorship orgy


In 2004, the whole of the Australian left was going ga-ga about Mark Latham. The ABC loved him, the Labor faithful loved him. Students and academia loved him for calling John Howard an arse-licker, and George W Bush “the most incompetent and dangerous president in living memory.”

imageBut then the last 10 years happened.

He is now embroiled in a new controversy, after having told a domestic violence victim to shut up. In response, it has been suggested in Mamamia that Latham’s comments should themselves “be kept private” and are “undignified to expose.”

This whole episode works on so many levels, we don’t quite know where to begin. The left’s compulsion to silence others is on overdrive. And as usual, it just makes you wonder about the judgement of the Labor Party.

It’s your XYZ.