Hypocrites and Opportunists


Not to be outdone by the Greens, Victorian Trades Hall Council (the Unions) are now joining the chorus of sanctimonious types lecturing everyone else over the Adam Goodes controversy. The Union campaign takes the “Adam is being bullied in the workplace” line. This from the professional bullies who have made intimidation an art form over the years, picketing workplaces and preventing others going about their daily business, or just simply screaming abuse at those with whom they are in dispute. For just one example of many, here’s just one highlight from the 2010 Westgate Freeway picket line:

“Workplace Relations Minister Simon Crean described the conduct of the two unions as ”indefensible” and said it had ”no place whatsoever in our society”. ”Labor will not tolerate violence and intimidation in the workplace,” he said.”

Being lectured on workplace bullying by Union bosses – yeah right – it’s almost as perverse as a criminal law QC taking the high moral ground. Happily, Australians stopped listening to Union leaders a long time ago.image