In a survey of over 2000 Australians, an XYZ Viewer Poll has revealed that 87% of people believe that the ABC should be shut down, its offices demolished, and its staff tried for treason.
Sorry, there are no polls available at the moment.Among other things, this poll reveals just how out of touch the ABC finds itself, and how unrepresentative of regular Australia its Q&A audiences are. The ABC has yet to respond to these latest findings, or to explain how it intends to cater to a broader section of the Australian community.

As always, The XYZ is happy be magnanimous and offer a third way, whereby half of the ABC’s budget is transferred to The XYZ, so it can provide news and current affairs which is just as biased to the opposite side of politics to which the ABC leans ever so slightly.
Unconfirmed reports suggest that the ghost of Iona Nikitchenko has been summoned to preside over the treason hearings. It is understood that the ABC staff are quaking in their boots.
It’s your XYZ.