Evidence the MSM Lies to You


Two weeks ago, Eva Bartlett, a Canadian independent reporter and activist, sat in a press conference discussing her experience in Syria. More importantly, Bartlett was talking about her experience in Aleppo.

Bartlett has spent extensive time in the Middle East, in particular Lebanon and Syria, on multiple occasions.

She discusses the conflicting evidence on what is being reported by the mainstream media and the actual events that are going on, on the ground. Bartlett also goes on to state the number of actual media outlets with presence in the area… hint… none. So the information passed on and used in MSM outlets is incorrect.

Bartlett uses examples of buildings in current news stories to disgrace the Arab and Russian Army’s actions in the region that were destroyed a year earlier.

She also discusses the futility in the push for a ceasefire, as the time is used by terrorists to reposition and re-attack.

You can’t negotiate with people so determined for another’s destruction.

Make sure you watch, just for a smile, to the end where Bartlett shuts down an MSM enquiry.

You can also read her works here:


And here:
