On Australia day a few happy souls chose to have a BBQ in the beachside Melbourne suburb of St Kilda. The atmosphere was cheerful, and despite the media’s attempt at a beat up and the presence of scary right wing activists such as Blair Cottrell and the True Blue Crew, the small group of about 50-60 attendees enjoyed their day out in a spirit of community, camaraderie and above all in a peaceful and law-abiding manner.
It’s amazing. It’s almost as if when the extreme left doesn’t show up violence doesn’t occur.
Funny that.
Well I say they didn’t turn up. There was one exception.
For reasons of his own, Socialist Alternative organiser (and editor of Marxist magazine Red Flag) Ben Hillier decided not to join in with his Australia-hating friends listening to the frenzied, bile filled (and above all taxpayer subsidised) speeches over in the CBD and decided to come down and spy on the patriots instead.

Perhaps this isn’t so surprising. I think Ben is carrying a bit of a torch for the larger-than-life Blair Cottrell. Back when Mr Cottrell was on trial under the Victorian state government’s blasphemy laws, Ben abandoned Debbie Brennan (Skeletor) and the rest of his comrades protesting outside to sneak into the courtroom and get up close with all the evil, manly, heavily muscled “fascists”.

We all know that left wing extremists have a tendency towards mental illness and instability as well as aberrant sexual fetishes. Perhaps deep down, Ben hopes to one day experience the pleasure of being beaten to a pulp by a group of large, scantily-clothed, square jawed masculine types. We can of course only speculate.
In his article describing the experience, Ben indeed seemed disappointed that nobody at the Australian flag festooned event wanted to attack him, hold him down and pummel him into submission. He described the BBQ and impromptu cricket match as “not particularly intimidating”. After lurking around for a while, presumably doing his best spy impression, Ben was forced to admit that the True blue Crew organised occasion was simply a “Day of good cheer… kids, cricket and Aussie rock”.
It’s almost as if when Marxists don’t show up trying to attack everyone, people can freely go about their business in peace.
Has someone told Victoria Police?
But Ben wasn’t entirely fooled by the peaceful nature of half a hundred people and their families enjoying music and scorched snags. You have to get up earlier in the morning than that to fool Ben. Ben is an intellectual you see. He’s smarter than the average bear. Ben can see the truth behind these evil Nazis and their family BBQ.
You see, in between the flags and the snags and the kids playing cricket, menace lurks.
Emboldened by the “hysteria” whipped up by the evil Murdoch media, some of the attendees at this Australia day event have somehow got it into their mind that there is a problem in Melbourne with African crime. Of course Ben is smarter than that, he knows better.
Ben and others like him know that the “so-called” African gang problem is a fake-news conspiracy created by the evil right wing media working with the evil right wing police and the evil right wing courts, and a cabal of evil right wing fake victims making fake claims alongside Nazi computer experts making fake videos of fake crimes that never happened, just to get the evil fascist Liberal Party leader Matthew Guy into power at the next election.
Ben is smart you see, so much smarter than me and you. He can see what’s really going on.
Ben is convinced and worried that all this fake hysteria being drummed up by the evil right wing establishment could lead to growth for the evil right-wing, flag waving patriot groups:
“If they grew from tens to a couple of hundred seasoned fighters, it could mean hospital visits for black and brown skinned people crossing their path”.
You can almost feel the lust in Ben’s voice as he imagines hundreds of right wing, working class “seasoned fighters” filled with testosterone and out for violence. I bet he had to go and lie down after writing that sentence. Or at the very least take a cold shower.
As we’ve seen yet again from their ridiculous efforts to try and circle the wagons around the chubby, hate-filled tax-grub Tarneen Onus-Williams, the left has no idea how many people disagree with them, what motivates the people who disagree with them, or how silly they sometimes look.

People like Ben seem convinced that if it wasn’t for their selfless efforts, mobs of evil white Australian bogans wearing wife beaters and southern cross tattoos would be swarming out of the outer suburbs, prowling the streets of Brunswick every night looking for poor, defenceless victims with slightly darker than average tans to beat up in a fit of irrational fury, for no other reason than the Herald Sun told them to.
They’re convinced that anyone who dares question immigration must want to open a death camp, that anyone who is concerned about the rise of Islam in the West is just itching to burn down a mosque, that anyone who thinks that we should stop importing a particular group of people who then commit an absurdly disproportionate level of violent crime has been brainwashed by a conspiracy.
In short, they’ve come to believe their own bullshit.
They think patriots of the right are filled with a hatred towards brown skinned people so virulent that even allowing them to speak it out loud is dangerous.
They’re half right. The hate is there, you can feel it every time you go to a right wing meeting or social event. But they’re half wrong as well. The hate isn’t towards brown people.
The hate is towards people like you Ben.
People who sneer at ordinary Australians holding a BBQ, and suggest that they are wrong and stupid to show pride in the country their ancestors made.
People like you Ben, who argue that we as a people aren’t allowed to decide who comes to the country that our forefathers built for us as our birthright.
People like you who cheer on taxpayer funded demagogues who openly declare their hatred for both the system our people have built and the suckers who subsidise their cushy lives.
People like you Ben who declare that “bigots” and “reactionaries” don’t have the right to free speech.
People like you Ben, who in 2005 openly applauded when hundreds of Lebanese youths came down to Cronulla in a convoy the night after that community had stood up to their predatory behaviour and smashed cars, attacked bystanders for being white, burned a church and repeatedly stabbed a young man in the back while he was trying to defend his girlfriend.
You had better hope that you’re wrong about the growth of patriot groups Ben, because it isn’t your fictional, sainted, defenceless “black and brown skinned people” who would need to be worried.
But hey, maybe that’s what you’re into. All kinds of fetishes out there. No judgement here. Takes all sorts you know.
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