The prog’s war on Anglo-Saxon culture via garbage recycling has just been stepped up a notch in my old home town of Perth.
Face your waste, Perth: would a clear bin make you throw out less?
“Could see-through rubbish and recycling bins be what it takes to make people take responsibility for just how much they throw away?
A new environmental campaign is changing the face of the waste conversation by making people look at their waste and what they are putting into landfill.
Clear rubbish bins will replace traditional green bins in some local streets during the next eight weeks to draw attention to a new campaign to help people reduce their rubbish and recycling loads.
The campaign Face Your Waste, to be launched by Mindarie Regional Council next week, hopes to encourage a culture of waste minimisation and get people thinking about where their waste goes beyond their rubbish bin.”
Apparently it’s now a ‘waste conversation’. You thought that you could just throw out your garbage but that wasn’t good enough. Then you accepted 5 different recycling bins and were guilt tripped into spending your every free moment picking through your own trash to separate it for no good reason at all. But did you think that it would really end there? Silly you.
“The idea behind the clear bins is so people can’t ignore what is going in their bin,” Mindarie Regional Council chief executive Gunther Hoppe said.
“They can see how full their neighbour’s bin is and start a conversation about how they reduce their waste.”
I can tell you how that conversation would go if I were on the receiving end:
“Hi, can I talk to you about your waste disposal practices? I see that you have a lot of beer cans in your general trash.”
“Your wife gives great head. How old is your daughter now?”
This would be my generic response in this situation regardless of my relationship with the neighbor in question. If you’re going to attempt to interfere in my life then the ban-hammer is going to come down very quickly.
But this is standard operating procedure for the left. Turn neighbors against one another and get them to do the left’s own dirty work under fear of social shame, ostracism and if that doesn’t work, the gulag. Every communist state in history has or is doing the very same thing using the same tactic.
And now you get to live the communist experience with your own trash.
“As part of the campaign, 20 see-through bins will be rotated on busy, high traffic streets during the next eight weeks.”
Dear Mindarie residents, if you are so fortunate as to receive one of these bins simply follow the following clear and concise instructions:
- Go to hardware store and purchase the spray paint color of your choice.
- Paint offending clear part of bin the required color.
- Put out on curb.
When the local council goons come knocking and inquire as to why you painted the bin, simply deny all knowledge of said action while you casually throw a beer can in the glass container in front of them. Burp loudly and scratch your private parts for additional good effect.
It’s not all doom and gloom on the garbage recycling front however:
Ipswich council defends dumping recycling.
“Ipswich City Council mayor Andrew Antoniolli has warned every council will feel the brunt of China’s recycling clamp-down and ratepayers will eventually foot the bill.”
“The local government body has come under fire for dumping recyclable waste in landfill because it would have cost $2 million a year to comply with China’s tighter imported recycling regulations.
Mr Antoniolli said the council’s predicament only arose because its wastage contract was up for renewal.”
Wow, it turns out that a country the size of Australia has been dumping its waste in China, sorry, it’s ‘recycled’ waste.
“To get a new contract means we are going to be paying five times the amount of money. When other councils come to that point in their contracts, they are going to be facing the same financial dilemma.”
But Mr Antoniolli conceded the additional cost to ratepayers would only be a “few extra dollars per week“.
“We’re protecting our residents from that cost. We’re looking for new solutions,” he said.
That’s a porky if ever I’ve heard one. Recycling has never been profitable, (except for aluminum). But now it looks like it has gone to being really really really truly unprofitable.
“Gold Coast and Brisbane City Council stated they were financially unaffected by China’s restrictions on low-grade recyclables.
Gold Coast Councillor Paul Taylor said its waste collection contract had two years to run and it was up to the contractor to absorb any cost increases.”
Anyone care to make a wild prediction on how that one is going to turn out for them?
But back to the original story. What exactly do the socialists have in mind for us?
“We want people to look at how they can not generate the waste in the first place or re-use or re-purpose the materials they are recycling,” Mr Hoppe said.
I know one way that people can stop generating waste – cease to exist. Plenty of evil regimes have been good at that one. They were also good at re-purposing the leftovers.

Photo by Leonard J Matthews