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Tag: White Identity

Why aren’t there people of color in Game of Thrones?

As an old D&D player and fantasy nut I tried to get into Game of Thrones, I really did. I read the first book...

Food For Thought – The Fahrenheit 451 Of White Identity

Last week American Renaissance issued a press release which outlined that Amazon would be discarding some coveted titles on White identity to Jeff Bezos’...

Straight to the Point – “Diversity” Sucks!

As many of us are aware, the divisive state sanctioned policy of Multiculturalism has proved to be catastrophic to the cultural and ethnic homogeneity...

A Ryan Rant – Episode 55 (Delousing the Degeneracy)

Characterising (((the kosher))) as anything short of a malicious parasite, would be a grave understatement to their toxic influence upon we the goyim. Insidiously infecting...