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The Uncuckables: Ep. 17 How Bad is Antifa?

Last night David Hiscox from The XYZ, Tim Wilms from the Unshackled and Australian Meditations summarised the week in Australian politics.  Topics included: Tax...

XYZ Live #71 – The Great Queens Birthday Purge #voxadpocalypse

It is a remarkable irony that at the same time that their heavily-lawyered ABC are hyperventilating about supposed threats to press freedom, the freedom of the...

The YouTube Purge Continues – #VoxAdpocalypse

The VoxAdpocalypse is here and YouTube are removing content all over the place, people are being mass demonetised, they are removing videos and even...

Vox and the lying press on South Africa

Candace D. Phit. Let's peruse Vox's latest propaganda piece. Please take note of how they lay the occassional grain of truth and then do the...

Quote of the Day: The Far Left Gets Played in Charlottesville

One year after the 2017 Charlottesville rally which the MSM, governments and the tech giants used as a pretext to push the so-called "far"...


This week I’m coining a new word. It comes after months of struggling to define the inner workings of the progressive mind; what causes...