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Tag: unemployment

Are We In A Labour Shortage?

I keep hearing that Australia has a labour shortage, that there are jobs out there just for the taking. The rhetoric is so red...

Full Employment – A History

Mark Moncrieff Between 1945 and 1975 in most of the Western world there existed a policy of full employment. What that exactly meant was different...

Full employment: 1400 Years Was Too Optimistic

Originally published at Upon Hope on 16/11/2019. Mark Moncrieff Only two days ago I wrote about how at the rate of employment growth in June we...

Melbourne Traditionalists Ep. 15: Unemployment in Australia

Australia has had mass unemployment for several decades. We have also had mass immigration for several decades. We are always told that immigration boosts...

“Humans need not apply”

A few weeks ago I wrote a piece entitled time to embrace the new economy. I observed that "Despite the current pessimistic economic outlook around...

Time to embrace the new economy

Much angst has arisen from traditional taxi services around the world with the recent emergence of the 'ride-share' scheme, UberX. Uber was founded in...