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Tag: The XYZ

Turnbull to ABC: I thought you looooved me?

Malcolm Turnbull has reportedly been "deeply hurt" by the sudden turn of the ABC against him since he took up his position as Prime...

Former Greens leader: What a fruitcake!

After one of our viewers appeared to so earnestly desire to know just who used the phrase "choose coal or choose death," or to...

Andrew Bolt blog, and the growing influence of The XYZ.

Here is some short commentary on the European Immigration Crisis from the always excellent Andrew Bolt, and a video of protesting immigrants at a...

Backhanded compliments and the untouchable idiots

While reflecting on various matters recently, a moment of inspiration struck me with the words to articulate a growing and disturbing trend. Simply put: We...

The XYZ: Classical Liberalism and Cultural Libertarianism

The XYZ developed out of dissatisfaction with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and other mainstream media. We are an independent media organisation focused on principles...

Abbott “Razor Gang” – XYZ predicts the future

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has announced the creation a "Razor Gang," in order to instil "root and branch reform" to "restore public confidence" in...

XYZ: where leftists delete their own comments in embarrassment

It has been a tremendous opening 6 weeks for The XYZ, which has burst onto the Australian media landscape like Steve Smith crunching a...

It’s time to end our abusive relationship with the ABC.

If I can risk a little self mockery, it seems that our forum doubles on Mondays and Tuesdays as a self-help group for those...

Censure of the ABC is not censorship

Since Monday night's extraordinary episode of Q&A, when the ABC became a platform for a jihadist apologist, the ABC and its defenders have argued...