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Tag: Soviet Union

Are we the baddies?

Western nations and their lapdog allies are falling over themselves to impose the most ridiculous sanctions on Russia. The high point, or low point...

Book Review: The Myth of German Villainy

I turned 55 earlier this year. For the preceding 54 years of my existence, I had never, ever entertained the notion that the Holocaust...

The Two Thousand Year War: Part 1

Editor: Originally published on November 11, 2018.  The Christmas period is a good time to review the arguments made here, and part 2 will...

Socialist Alternative: The Story of an Extremist Cult – part 1

Originally published March 17, 2018. If you’ve been on a university campus in the last five years, you won’t have been able to ignore them. If...

Poll: Should sporting teams boycott South Africa in protest against White...

In the 1960's, communists used the pretext of "racism" (a word invented by Marxists to convince white people to kill themselves) to institute sporting...

Simone Weil’s Beef with Bureaucracy: The Bureaucratic Caste, Parasitism and Crony...

Born out of conversations with a friend from the United States, I was given the opportunity to read a compilation of fragments and essays...