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Tag: society

Thought for the Day: Exclusion from mainstream society

Pauline Hanson has caused a stir today by suggesting that children with autism should be taught in special schools. One criticism of this proposal...

Quote of the Day: Thatcher on government, society, and the individual

Most people are familiar with the words of Margaret Thatcher on society: "There is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women,...

The Problem With Blaming Society

"Society is to blame" - it's one of the most common slogans and catchphrases of our time.  Just Google it and find out exactly...

Death by Chopstick

The AFL and the Richmond Football Club have launched an urgent investigation into the conduct of star player Dustin Martin, who was apparently so...

Rights without Responsibilities

Some years ago, an adolescent I know well returned home from high school with a rather thick little book that prompted to me to...


In social discourse today one often hears and encounters the concept of pride in relation to particular groups of people – gay pride, black...