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Tag: Scotland

Why do Scots hate the Poms but love White Genocide?

While visiting Scotland years ago I noticed that they had a historic hatred for the English which they expressed freely, both humorously and seriously....

The Radical War

From Patriotic Alternative. Johnny Alba When you look at the recent history of the United Kingdom with COVID restrictions, years of austerity, falling living standards etc...

Shakespeare would be jailed under Yousaf

When I heard the news this morning that the Scottish parliament was considering passing a bill that would prosecute people in their own homes...

The Brexit Election and the March of Nationalism

You can't stop us. You can deplatform us, put our names on lists, misdirect us with silly ideas and gatekeepers, use lawfare against us,...

Scotland reveals the lie at the heart of civic nationalism

The three year shenanigans surrounding Brexit continue apace as the UK heads to a general election in December. The Tories remain smugly confident but...

XYZ Live #11 – Malcolm Turnbull, Count Dankula and the Human...

Topics covered in last night's livestream included: The communist involvement in the Commonwealth Games protests Malcolm Turnbull's leadership and the future of the Liberal...

Scotland arrests man for expressing opinion

Well, it has happened. A man in Scotland has been arrested for saying the wrong thing about muslim refugees from Syria on Facebook. It...

Scotland the Brave

  Scottish citizen deploys home grown anti-hate preacher device to cheers of crowd. Suitable for use in other places where culturally appropriate. Enjoy!