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Tag: Royal Commission

Executing The Guilty

Whenever capital punishment is raised someone will inevitably ask 'what about if someone innocent is executed?'. Well my first response is that the courts failed...

Did Climate Change cause the Australian Bushfires?

Bushfires have devastated the Australian South East coast for months now and the blame game has gone nuts, with climate change activists blaming Co2...

Discussing VICTIMS of BANKS with Rita Mazalevskis – Fraser Anning VIC...

I recently sat down with Rita Mazalevskis, the number two Victorian Senate Candidate for Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party. She is a banking victims advocate...

Fame, Celebrity Morality, Feminism and the Death of Western Civilisation

Mary Gee When the New York Times accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment, Hollywood’s glitterati quickly jumped on the bandwagon to launch their latest crusade....

Poll Result: Could there be a Royal Commission into Safe Schools?

A recent XYZ Viewer Poll revealed strong support for the punishment of people responsible for the perversion and abuse that is the Safe Schools...

Islam and Child Protection

Thomas Crown If you’ve been paying attention, you would have noticed the various stories regarding Islam and various instances of child abuse including child marriage,...

Viewer Poll: Safe Schools

With the passing of fake marriage legislation in Australia, the left have moved swiftly to focus their efforts on cementing Marxist gender theory in...

More Don Dale Video Horror

By Jack Tilley Six lawyers, three Human Rights Commissioners and an Aborigine in a Pear Tree have been admitted to hospital suffering complete nervous breakdowns...

We rest our case 

We rest our case Two weeks ago XYZ published a strongly worded, short reflection on the shocking circumstances surrounding the death of young and vivacious...

Militant Unionists are the real disgrace

The Labor Party. The only place in Australia, outside a Royal Commission or Fair Work hearing, where militant unionists command attention. Martin Ferguson has been,...