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Tag: Rita Panahi

Identity Politics is Awesome

Originally published February 8, 2018. Seems quite a few people, especially on the right, don’t like “Identity politics” much. Sky commentator and Australian columnist Chris Kenny,...

You Only Need to Fire it Once

Here is an interesting article by Chris Kenny in the Australian: "Let’s be clear, the Singapore summit happened because of Trump’s bellicose rhetoric and hairy-chested...

Leftist violence, Media silence and why the Right keeps losing

Last week a rally of at least two-hundred left-wing thugs, some holding signs calling for the death of government ministers, violently attacked attendees and...

A Belgian Tragedy

Belgium is a truly beautiful, if very small, country. There is the majestic Grand Place in the capital Brussels, one of the largest city...


Not all that long ago one opened the morning papers (there are only two in my city – the Herald Sun, or affectionately the Hun,...