Tag: Martin Sellner
R.I.P. Alfie Evans: R.I.P. Great Britain
In Great Britain, if you are raped by a brown person the establishment don't care. In Great Britain, if you own a bike wheel...
Murdoch Murdoch on the Death of England
This Murdoch Murdoch video is worth checking out. As usual, take it with a pinch of salt and an open mind. The meme-ing and...
I Slam, You Slam, We all Slam Islam (or The Disgrace...
Facetious title aside, today’s piece is a corollary to last week’s commentary on the detention and deportation of Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner, born...
Freedom of Speech and the decline of the West
Matty is calling on everyone to stand up for freedom of speech.
Enough is enough, the governments of the West have sold us out it's...
The Mis-Information Age
During the course of my short career as a commentator, I’ve wrestled with the questions of what makes a progressive think the way they...
The United Kingdom’s Future: Dystopia or Britannia
Arthur Dane
When the British ruled India, they looked harshly upon the practice of "sati" or burning the widow alive on the funeral pyre of...
XYZ Live #7 – Free speech in Britain, Jordan Peterson Australia,...
Topics covered in tonight's livestream include:
Britain's continued descent into tyranny with the detaining and refusal of entry to Martin Sellner and Brittany Pettibone