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Tag: Liberalism

Destroying The Working Class Through Education

Education does not lift the working class, it destroys it! That is not how it is normally portrayed, normally it is portrayed as education defeating...

Unified Liberalism

Like the two sides of a coin the two sides of Liberalism seem opposed to each other. Their perspective is totally different, each facing...

Left or Social Liberalism

While Right Economic Liberals are concerned with the economy, Left Social Liberals are concerned with society. They both agree that progress is the greatest...

Right or Economic Liberalism

Liberalism is an economic theory and it states that trade, money and the work force should be free from constraint, able to move around...

Liberalism, What It Is And Why you Should Reject It

Liberalism is the defining political philosophy of our age, it surrounds us and affects every area of our life. Not only is it the...

Full Employment – A History

Mark Moncrieff Between 1945 and 1975 in most of the Western world there existed a policy of full employment. What that exactly meant was different...

Sir Robert Menzies – The Melbourne Traditionalists Episode Thirteen

With each episode of Melbourne Traditionalists we tease out a little more of the truth regarding Australia's 20th century history. After a preamble discussing...

Melbourne Traditionalists Episode 7: The Story of Poz

Te Poz, Liberalism, Cultural Marxism, you name it has infected our people and our civilisation and our people for generations now. This becomes apparent...

Gay marriage in Holland – Why Dutch liberalism works

I moved to The Netherlands just over three months ago and my international relocation from Melbourne has coincided with the furious debate over the...

Progressive left avoid real progress

Thought or the day: Next time you encounter the progressive Left, stop to consider what, who and how they are fighting. There is a disturbing...