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Tag: Kerryn Phelps

Will 2023 be the Year of the Dropping Penny?

The last two years have been tough for those of us on the political right, as all our forecasts of Government arrogance and oppression...

Kerryn Phelps Injured By Vax: Claims Doctors Censored

What a crazy, extreme right conspiracy theorist. She’s probably the kind of person who will ambush innocent police officers and murder them in cold...

Shadow boxing on fake border protection: Bill Shorten baulks

A perennial fake battle rages in Canberra over Australia's border security. Anti-Australian activists on the far left regularly conspire to pressure the Labor Party...

XYZ Live #39 – It’s NOT OK to be White or...

It has been a big week in Australian politics. Pauline Hanson put a motion to parliament that #It'sOkToBeWhite. Fraser Anning tried to put a...

Could Malcolm’s Wentworth revenge work in Nationalists’ favour?

Malcolm Turnbull is an NPC who should never have been let anywhere near the Liberal Party. He wreaked havoc as PM, dragging the Libs...

Serena Williams will walk out if you ask her about that...

Channel 10 is basically the ABC with ads for tampons, and The Project is what Q&A would be like if the ABC didn't have...