Tag: gender pay gap
Feminists advocate murdering men: Matildas get equal pay
Here is women's soccer.
Here is real soccer.
But hey let's give the chicks more money.
From SBS:
Football Federation Australia and Professional Footballers Australia have detailed a...
WOMEN’S World Cup Soccer Team NAGS for EQUAL PAY!
The Australian Women’s Soccer team demands more money ahead of the 2019 Women’s World Cup, saying they want pay equality with the men’s team.
It’s not a gender ‘pay gap’, it’s an earnings difference –...
Editor: This definitive rebuttal the so-called "gender pay gap" myth was originally published on July 17, 2016, and we intend to encore it every...
Stan Grant takes on the Sport Gender Pay Gap
Stan Grant is really dumb. So is the idea that women should get paid as much as men for playing sport.
Women are not as...
How to be a Wiki Feminist
Matty's Modern Life gives some fine tips on how to be a Wiki Feminist. Amongst others:
Strong eye contact with the opposite gender is...
Deefer: Mansplaining
Here is a little fun from Deefer. He makes no apology for the (mythical) gender pay gap. He also doesn't take kindly to the...
The Hidden Marxism of Anti-Semites
Readers, please take note that this article is a collaboration between Micaiah and Jael the wife of Heber. Any resulting abuse in the comment...
Quote of the Day: The gender pay gap myth demolished in...
According to feminism, any attempt by men to assert traditional masculinity and to be who they are is toxic. Also according to feminism, the...
Handsome Her Repeats Gender Pay Gap Big Lie
A Brunswick cafe called Handsome Her has caused a stir in Australian media in recent days, with the following photo uploaded to social media:
Backlash as Feminists Use Discrimination to Protest, Ummm… “Discrimination”
A University of Queensland bake sale held yesterday has resulted in a vocal backlash after the student union used discriminatory pricing in an attempt...