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Tag: feminism

Food for Thought – Latham Laid Off By Fabian Fluffer Frangopoulos

Mark Latham, a leading contrarian to the pervasive plague of political correctness in Australia, has been sacked from his job at Sky News Australia...

Do as We Say or You’re a Wife-Beater

Keen observers of The XYZ would notice that most of our contributors choose pseudonyms. Fear of physical retaliation from the scum of the earth...

Food for Thought – Islam is Cancer

Over the last week, 25-year-old Islamic “activist” Yassmin Abdel-Magied has become a viral joke after stating on their ABC’s Q&A program that “Islam is...

Feminism = Mental Illness

With feminism haemorrhaging appeal globally (apart from cringe-worthy cadres like these), it’s important to remind folk why this ideology is so carcinogenic. Exhibit A… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iSEpklkVT0&feature=youtu.be

Clementine Ford Hates Words

Mattys Modern Life You just have to love Clementine Ford. Not for who she is - she really is vile in many ways - but...

What happens when students brainwashed with Cultural Marxism find jobs?

Adam Piggott I think back to when I was seventeen and in my final year of school and I thank all things holy that I’m...

Not the Ghostbusters Review

Liberator Zen I haven’t written a review about a movie I’ve not seen and have no plans to watch, which is why this is Not...

Let’s respond in a dignified manner when Van Badham returns to...

By Ghostwtr Folks, Van Badham is our friend. She has her faults, but she always means well. I guess what I’m really trying to say...

“Racists for Rapists”: The Suicide of a Culture

Recently I wrote a piece - Where are All the Feminists in response to the Council of Islamic Ideology declaring that violence committed by...

Food for thought – Eddie in cold water over another PC...

Over the weekend the politically correct crusaders raged via multiple media means over Eddie McGuire’s joke regarding Caroline Wilson (who’s the chief football writer...