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Tag: Donald Trump

Leftism Goes to the Dogs

Well, it's official. To quote Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder, the New York Times has finally gone 'full retard'. Times Journalist Matt Flegenheimer...

Food for thought – Based Trump and basehead Hillary get a...

This week on their ABC's coverage of the US presidential elections, viewers would have been hard pressed to know the truth surrounding Hillary Clinton’s...

SJW’s increasingly imploding

These are strange times, when the Alt Right, and media like the XYZ, are coming good on their promise to offer an alternative to...

Canadians fear tidal wave of US liberals if Trump wins

The prospect of Canada being "swamped by American Democrats" in the wake of a potential Donald Trump victory in the US Presidential Election in...

Food for thought – Trump says Putin’s a better military leader...

Today the liberal media have been relentlessly attacking Trump for highlighted the fact that Obama (a former campus radical with no military experience) is...

Food for thought – Based Trump the American revivalist

Since hearing Donald Trump declare his candidacy for President of the United States at Trump Tower on June 16, 2015 there has rarely been...

Initiative and Efficiency are Unforgivable Traits to Obama and Clinton

“It certainly takes more than trying to make up for a year of insults and insinuations by dropping in on our neighbors for a...

CNN Whitewashes Late White Supremacist Because He Was #WITHHER

In an attempt to to protect the candidate they've invested $411,296 into staying bought this election cycle in official campaign contributions alone, CNN (also...

Food for thought – Alt-Right uprising in the Anglosphere

Lately, precious little snowflakes throughout the Anglosphere have been squealing like babies with nappy-rash, at the rising reaction against their Communist, Islamophile, feminist, gender-bender,...

Hell Freezes Over as The Spectator Channels Mother Jones

I used to like The Spectator. It was my favourite political periodical after the sadly defunct Bulletin. It could always be relied on for...