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Tag: Democrats

Opinion: The Last White Man

Originally published at National Justice. Trump is going to win. That's what the only poll that isn't designed as infotainment for suburban "Karens" -- who are actually loyal Democrats -- is...

Impeachment fails: Donald Trump acquitted

The impeachment trial everybody knew would fail is finally over, and Donald Trump is still President of the United States of America. From the Australian: Donald...

Kyle Jurek is right: One of those moments in human history

The good people at Project Veritas have a knack at getting communists to loosen their tongues: In many respects this guy is right. In war you...

Portraits of Pedowood: Sabo Artist Interview

Sabo is one of the greatest artists working today and his latest piece is a giant Los Angeles billboard for Tarantino's new film, which...

Unfortunately, Donald Trump is not a “racist”

Donald Trump is on a roll. A clever bit of bullying forced Mexico to effectively bypass the US deep state and not so deep...

Build The Wall: God Emperor Trump Plans To Declare National Emergency

Once one understands that the Trump Train is very deliberately placed on rollercoaster tracks it is much easier to enjoy the Journey. Like the Mongol...

Murdoch Murdoch – Change That Matters

Murdoch Murdoch published their latest video on October 15. It lampoons the Democrat advertising slogan Change that Matters with their usual dark humour. Very dark.

VICTORY: Democrats Rule Trolling a Constitutionally Protected Activity

Scrolling Facebook yesterday, I noticed a little item in Facebook Trending. You know – the little sidebar full of amusing tidbits, all carefully hand-picked...

Democrat Mothers Day Epic Fail – The Greatest Political Ad Ever!

Editor: Do you down cocktails before noon and take photos of your son's laundry? Then this advertisement by a leftist organisation in the US...