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Tag: ALP

The Liberal Party and the Overton Window

The “Overton window” is term coined to refer to the politically acceptable limits to public discourse, a concept originating with the former vice president...

Waleed Aly says man-made Global Warming is REAL!

Waleed Aly is the number 1 darling of the globalist Left, and part of his duties as the darling is to push the global...

PLEASE don’t vote for Premier Daniel Andrews!

The 2018 Victorian election is nearly here and we need to discuss Premier Daniel Andrews, easily the worst Premier in living memory. There are so...

Fraser Anning did nothing wrong!

Australian Senator Fraser Anning recently gave his maiden speech to Parliament. The reaction to this was as over the top as you can imagine. Penny...

XYZ Live #27: Lauren Southern kicked out of Lakemba and other...

In last night's livestream, David Hiscox and Matty's Modern Life discussed the following topics: Lauren Southern's exposure of the sharia law in operation in...

Australian Left using Super Saturday results to sabotage the economy

The Super Saturday results, in which five bi-elections were held as a result of the citizenship fiasco in the Australian parliament, has provided a...

Should we Privatise the ABC?

Matty answers the question, should we privatise the ABC? Given the ABC is a taxpayer funded propaganda centre for the Left the answer should be...

More attacks on Australia by anti-white Leftist politicians

Australian Protectionist Party Greens leader Richard Di Natale has started a new Cultural Marxist-inspired public campaign — to change the date of Australia Day. And...

The Curse of Daniel Andrews

By R.H.G. Coming into the 2014 Victorian State Election, many perceived the election as a choice between a Liberal State Government which had done little...

Breaking: Labor Party concedes defeat

Bill Shorten has just conceded defeat in the federal election on behalf of the Labor Party. Although the Coalition has not yet attained the...