Quote of the Day: The one place Dtarneen won’t want to burn down

Courtesy of Meme Australia Great Again.
Courtesy of Meme Australia Great Again.

A certain Ms. Dtarneen Onus-Williams, who earned herself the sometimes coveted, sometimes not-so-coveted XYZ Quote of the Day yesterday, has been the subject of soem scrutiny, courtesy of said Quote of the Day:

“An Aboriginal activist who called for Australia to be burnt to the ground during an incendiary ­address to an “invasion day” rally has been described as a hypocritical hater and faces calls to be dumped from her leadership role with a government-funded body.

“Former Victorian premier Jeff Kennett said the Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance (WAR) ­organiser Dtarneen Onus-Williams should step down as an executive member of Victoria’s Koorie Youth Council for a series of angry, divisive comments.

“At a rally outside Victoria’s Parliament House on Friday, Ms Onus-Williams, 24, told the crowd: “We have not organised this to change the date. We have organised this to abolish Australia Day because f..k Australia. F..k Australia, I hope it f..king burns to the ground.’’ She later stood by the comments, saying that although they were intended metaphorically rather than literally, she wanted “everything, all the governments to fall apart”.

“Mr Kennett said that while the young activist was entitled to speak her mind and to say what she wanted, it was inappropriate for her to continue with the state government-funded Koorie Youth Council and to sit on any government-funded body.”

Any government-funded body indeed.

Which brings us to today’s Quote of the Day, courtesy of one of the good readers of The XYZ:

“Does the cry for “I hope it burns to the ground “ include Centrelink?”

It’s your XYZ.