PETA to confirm 1st non-human parliament candidate
Following the news that the Greens have endorsed Australia’s first transgender candidate for federal parliament, animal advocate group PETA have fast tracked an announcement confirming the first non-human candidate for parliament, a horse named...
Greek ‘yes’ vote is Russian Roulette (with fully loaded gun)
In Sunday's referendum, over 60 per cent of Greek voters voted down the deal with the EU and its proposed bailout package.
Commentators have stated that this, and recent events see Greece drift into uncharted...
This flag ended slavery
In reflecting on events in America over the last few weeks, it is worth examining some history, and the way we remember that history.
This year marks 150 years since the end of the American...
Questions and Interruptions
Following a review of the ABC’s flagship political affairs show Q&A, XYZ has learned that a new format for the popular program is to be implemented. Rather than conceal its political bias in undergraduate...
Greece vote No to reason, Yes to Socialist self destruction
Like a former champion fronting up at Wimbledon for another ill-fated campaign, Greece showed some vintage form as it delivered the latest scene of the now-showing Greek tragedy. Lets give it a name: "My...
Australia’s most unpopular man free to criticize much loved Australian of the Year.
There are few benefits to being Australia’s least popular man; however former leader of the Australian Labor Party, Mark Latham, has found a silver lining to this particularly dark cloud. Long-time enemy of the...
Who is more likely to ‘unfriend’ you – online and in real life?
A couple of weeks ago I attempted to tally up the number of people who have 'unfriended' me on Facebook over the last 3 years. The final figure came to just under 20. Of...
Greece: From tragedy to absurdity
Over the last few days, the Greek financial tragedy has become absurd.
Over the last few days, the Greek government has passed the EU deadline to strike a deal, and the nation has now defaulted on...
Government funding tipping the playing field in the left’s favour.
Following on from a discussion we had yesterday with a delightful fellow who later removed his whole post, we thought we would share this little snippet from an article from The Guardian some months...
XYZ Weekend Arts: Why you should present music to your children in chronological order,...
Having children is the most tremendous and rewarding responsibility one can have as a human being. As a music lover, I consider myself a guardian of two of the pinnacles of Western Civilisation- the...