Food for thought – A Watermelon Union

Labor and the Greens are renewing their vows, to stand by their career protesting love children and scheme to undermine freedom of religion, association, conscience and speech. Last time these two wandered onto the government...

Free Speech under attack in Egypt, not at the ABC

Right now journalists and media commentators all over the world are expressing their shock, anger and outrage at the prison sentences handed to three Al Jazeera journalists in Egypt. And rightly so. This is...

Burning the Australian flag

Demonstrators clashed today in Bendigo over the proposal to build a large Mosque with the capacity to accommodate up to two thousand religious adherents, in a city that has only a small handful of...


In social discourse today one often hears and encounters the concept of pride in relation to particular groups of people – gay pride, black pride, indigenous pride, and so on. In my home town...

Stand up for Sunday Roasts

Boethius has today shared a piece from the Guardian about family roasts. And while Boethius was characteristically humourous, the Guardian's piece frankly got me steaming. The Guardian is once again going on the offensive...

Roast of the Day

  Sunday roast would seem to be a tradition of impeccable normality for most Australians. Gathering around the table on what was once the Lord's Day, for an oven baked portion of meat of some...

Quote of the Day: The inevitable backlash against political correctness

Quote of the Day comes from a member of the Bolt Report Supporters Group forum, and we are quoting it in full with his permission: "I think that anyone who doesn't understand the AFL's double...

Labor promises rail not roads – delivers strikes not action

When the Victorian Liberal Party started floating the idea to build a tunnel under the inner north of Melbourne to connect the Eastern Freeway with CityLink and the Princes Freeway, the majority of Melbournians...

AFL has racists on the run

The latest XYZ Viewer Poll has revealed that footy fans unanimously support the AFL's tough stance against racists and bigots. It appears to be working, with potential booers believed to be missing, presumed scared....

It’s about Sovereignty

A flurry has been stirred in the media today, following the announcement that the Australian Border Force, combined with police and transport officers will be carrying out a blitz in Melbourne's CBD this weekend. Even...

Van is on our side!

"If a person, or group of people, assembled in your place of work, shoving offensive material in your face, howling at you as a chorus, blocking you as you attempted to walk from one...

We rest our case 

We rest our case Two weeks ago XYZ published a strongly worded, short reflection on the shocking circumstances surrounding the death of young and vivacious Masa Vukotic, who's killer, it has now been revealed, had...

First World Problems, exhibit A: “I never know how a man is going to...

Reading The Guardian causes one to marvel at how out of touch and behind the times one has become. Today's gem of this nature, in the "oh so up to date and earnestly grown...

The XYZ: Classical Liberalism and Cultural Libertarianism

The XYZ developed out of dissatisfaction with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and other mainstream media. We are an independent media organisation focused on principles of classical liberalism and cultural libertarianism. One summary of classical liberalism...

Sen Janet Rice: Children come from the Stork, not Biology

In a statement to the media today, Greens Senator Janet Rice has stated that children come from the Stork, and not human biology. Senator Rice was at pains to correct the myth that children are...

Newcastle, the home of coal, moves to divest from coal(?)

Our social and political elites have yet again shown how out of touch they are with the lives of ordinary Australians, and indeed, reality itself, in this latest push which sees Newcastle Council seek...

There is no family without biology

Yet again, like clockwork, the social engineers are insisting that white is black and black is white. Today, Greens Senator Janet Rice has written an article for the Huffington Post entitled: 'Love Makes A Family,...

Julia Gillard: there will be no gay marriage under a government I lead 

One does not need to read beyond the opening sentence of this report in today's Guardian to be assaulted with a full frontal dose of breathtaking hypocrisy (that it only takes a sentence to...

Flannery’s climate furphy as NSW floods (again)

Heavy rain in New South Wales has forced hundreds of households to evacuate. The ABC reported today: "The weather bureau's acting regional director, Stephen Lellyett, said in a statement the Warragamba Dam was expected to spill...

Food for thought – Hi-vis clothing ban at the pub?

Today I was reading that The Village Inn (a trendy inner suburb pub in Paddington, Sydney) was shutting its doors to prospective patrons wearing hi-vis work gear. Australian Workers’ Union state secretary Russ Collinson characterized...