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Israel Begins to Panic

The good citizens of the United States now find themselves in a position where their right to criticise Israel for any reason has been criminalised by their government at the behest of said government’s...

It takes balls to draw a dick on the memorial to a murdered feminist

Editor’s note: Originally published on October 10, 2018. In recent weeks the Australian political and media elite has politicised a mass murder in Bondi by a reprobate prostitute, turning it into jihad against ordinary men...

Is a Nation comprised of a Race or a Religion?

A bit of a comment war has erupted on my latest post, when regular reader Kentucky Gent opined that Jesus was not a Jew. After being called out on this claim he attempted to...

How to explain World War III to normies

There’s a Chinese saying we’ve all heard about it being a blessing and a curse to live in interesting times or something similar. It’s the type of midwit profundity you might hear at the...

Explain to me why we don’t have the right to exist

Remix Staff Eva Vlaardingerbroek warns Whites against massive demographic changes in their native countries You’ve spoken a lot about White rights and the White replacement. But of course this kind of opens you up to these...

The Crazy Feminists are right: Ban Porn

Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that Australia’s closet homosexual Prime Minister made a fat chick cry on the weekend? The eSafety Commissioner will be stalking me for that one. If the...

Everyone Procrastinates

Procrastination is a thing. Hell, I’ve put off writing this post more times than Greta’s smile has been mistaken for a cat’s arsehole. Everyone procrastinates, and anyone who claims that they don’t procrastinate is...

The New and Improved Definition of Antisemitism

Governments around the world are in the process of attempting to outdo one another in order to define and redefine antisemitism. This has been prompted by the shock experienced by Jews at being subject...

Diesel in the shed

You can have your solar panels and your turbines on the hills; You can use the warmth of sunshine to reduce your heating bills. You can dream you’re self-sufficient as you weed your vegie bed; As long as you make...

The Christian truth that terrifies globalists

We took the boys to the Ramses II exhibition in Sydney this week. Except for a few of the usual woke rewritings of the historical narrative, it was a good day out for everyone....