We don’t need no help from women


My colleague in the culture wars economist Steve Kates sent me the following link to a petition in the form of a letter to the Times which is to be sent on Monday the 8th of July. Titled, ‘The non-feminist declaration‘, it is a public declaration in opposition to feminism.

“In many countries, virtually all institutions have been deeply corrupted by feminists, and by people in positions of power bowing to feminist influence. These include governments, public sectors, media, family courts, education systems, academia, police forces, criminal justice systems, health services, military forces, and business sectors.

“Feminists have been responsible for, or have exacerbated, many of the problems facing humanity today. They include disparities in the treatment, opportunities, choices, respect, protections and rights afforded to citizens.”

It all sounds nice and positive, and a step in the right direction. But it is not. It is simply more of the same and will make absolutely no difference to the current status quo. In order to understand why, one only needs to examine who is behind this campaign.

Elizabeth Hobson
(and the women who love them)

That right there is the problem in a nutshell. You still don’t get it? Okay, let me spell it out for you.

We got ourselves into this mess a hundred years ago when we began the process of removing the social restraints on women that had existed since time immemorial and that had served as a check on female hypergamy. Men acted to remove those restraints, not women. Of course women agitated for their lessening, but it was men who ultimately had to make that fateful decision.

Modern feminism is not an aberration of female behavior; it is a feature. Feminism is a reflection of the state of modern women. An extreme one to be sure, but what was extreme feminism 30 years ago is now considered to be acceptable social mores for the modern woman. Feminism merely reflects and casts a light upon where women will be in the next generation. The feminist behavior that we observe now and from which any sane individual rightly recoils will be the status quo in a couple of decades, if not sooner.

In general, women are not able to impose constraints upon their own behavior. Women rationalize their behavior in order to justify it. This rationalization process is the key to understanding the current mess in which we find ourselves. Remember, men are rational in their behavior while women rationalize their behavior. This is the fundamental difference between men and women and the core evidence for why matriarchal societies are always dysfunctional.

Men ceded power to women and women as a result are out of control. Women have no boundaries, and as a result they are miserable. The behavior that we see from modern feminists and women in general is merely an attempt to find their boundaries. But because we opened Pandora’s Box it is not possible to restore order to the situation while women still have a say in how things will be run.

Thus we have the situation of a woman, one Elizabeth Hobson, being the “Director of Communications Justice for men and boys”. The whole thing is completely absurd.

Modern men in general are weak and risk adverse. They are unwilling to stand up to feminism as their excuse is that since women see men as the enemy then their involvement in combating feminism will only make things worse. Far better to have women denounce feminism as coming from women it will be seen to have more potency. Have some women at the forefront and then the men can safely line up behind them in a good semblance of order.

But this merely repeats the same mistakes of the past and thus perpetuates the problem, in effect kicking the can down the road. The only way to combat feminism is to remove the cause; remember, feminism is merely a symptom of the wider problem. The malady is that women no longer have any constraints upon their own behavior. They have been told for years that they “can have it all”, surely the most solipsistic ideology to ever exist in the Western World. Women, encouraged by society in general, aspire to replace men and then wonder why they can’t find any decent men any more.

The only effective strategy to combat feminism is the most unpalatable one; systematically roll back women’s rights, get them out of the workplace, get them out of positions of power, and get them back in the home where they belong. Until that happens we will continue to see the obscene degradations of modern feminism. If we stay on the same course there is no endgame. Soliphisty knows no restraints. We are caught between a rock and a hard place but we put ourselves there and we only have ourselves and our modern ancestors to blame.

In order for that letter to which I linked to be truly accurate, simply replace every instance that the word feminism appears with the word female.

“In many countries, virtually all institutions have been deeply corrupted by females, and by people in positions of power bowing to female influence. These include governments, public sectors, media, family courts, education systems, academia, police forces, criminal justice systems, health services, military forces, and business sectors.”

Get the picture? It ain’t pretty, is it? Hard truths and realities is what you’ll find here. Don’t shoot the messenger. This letter to the Times is an absurd proposition. But then again, we sure do live in absurd times.

It was men who bequeathed onto women the curse of power. Only men can take it back from them.

This article was originally published at https://pushingrubberdownhill.com/, where Adam Piggott publishes regularly and brilliantly. You can purchase Adam’s books here.