Breaking: Maccas is healthy! (not satire)


It turns out the free market won’t make you fat, but your choices will..

The stellar cast of PJTV’s Trifecta discuss a documentary made by a science teacher, about how he lost weight by excercising regularly, limiting his calorie intake, but eating only at McDonalds.

As the PJTV crew point out, it isn’t so much the junk food of McDonalds which the “progressive” crowd object to, but the idea that people making their own choices can enrich a corporation.  Hence, why they have tried to stifle the message that McDonalds won’t kill you if you control the portions and excercise regularly.

If people can be trusted to make their own choices with regard to what they eat, what else might they be able to make their own choices about?  Maybe, that might mean we could have less government…

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David has studied history and political science at Melbourne University. His thesis was written on how the utilisation of Missile Defence can help to achieve nuclear disarmament. His interest in history was piqued by playing a flight simulator computer game about the Battle of Britain, and he hopes to one day siphon the earnings from his political writings into funding the greatest prog-rock concept album the world has ever seen.