Home Abortion Abortion Day

Abortion Day


Ben & Jerries is proud to announce that they stand by abortion providers, making reference to something known as National Abortion Provider Appreciation Day.

Monday, March 10 is National Abortion Provider Appreciation Day(Opens in new window), created to honor Dr. David Gunn, who was murdered by a white supremacist anti-abortion extremist on March 10, 1993. From this tragedy sprang an annual commemoration, where we celebrate the compassionate, courageous abortion care providers around the country who are fighting for reproductive freedom.

I wouldn’t have blinked at this 30 years ago, 20 years ago, 10 years even. But now, let’s say I do more than blink. The lies embedded in this quote are breathtaking in their audacity. The propaganda sells abortionists as freedom fighters. The reality is that they are mass murderers serving a demonic child sacrifice industry.

In ancient times when the citizens of Carthage sacrificed their children to Baal, as awful as it must have been at least the realities of the time somewhat limited the numbers of those murdered. But today we have industrial killing centers located in every Western city in the world. The high priests of Carthage would be astounded at how our modern society has perfected the processes so that the number of children sacrificed now approaches a total number that would eclipse the entire number of people killed in every war in the history of mankind.

And yet that is where we are. We are the type of evil society that Rome so strongly desired to raze from the face of the earth, leaving no trace of existence and with the ground salted as a warning for future generations. So much for heeding the warning.

The day dedicated to honoring abortionists would be better titled, National Child Sacrifice to Demons Provider Appreciation Day. I mean, it’s got the same ring to it.

They claim that an abortionist, a child murderer on an industrial scale, was murdered. They claim that the man who killed him was the extremist. They claim that this event was a tragedy, but all of the killing in which abortionists partake is somehow tragedy free. They commemorate this man’s life, but none of the lives which abortionists end. They claim that mass murdering abortionists are compassionate, despite them being child killers. And finally they claim that ending the lives of the unborn to be somehow equated with freedom.

I wonder if there is a day where we remember the lives of all of the unborn who were so mercilessly robbed of their chance of life. We do not have such a day, at least not yet. But I strongly suspect that in the future it will be a day of serious national mourning, where the lives of these children are remembered, but the lives of those who murdered them will not be looked back upon as fondly as they are held today.

By ice cream companies.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase Adam’s books here.

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Adam Piggott
Adam Piggott writes about all things red pill and nationalist right. He examines what it means to be a man in the modern world and gives men advice beyond the typical 'how to pull chicks', (although he does that too.) He plays the guitar, smokes cigars, drinks wine and rum, rides motorbikes, is bad at cricket, and distrusts any man who has no redeeming petty vices. He does his best to be a reality check to any Millennials or progressives so unfortunate as to cross his path.