The Australian Government can never end Mass Immigration


On Monday night the Australian prime minister was on the ABC talk show Q&A in an obvious effort to sell himself for the election which will occur sometime this year. Patricia Karvelas asked the following question:

“Prime minister, we got a lot of questions … more than we can ask about immigration, … people expressing that they feel like immigration levels were too high … Do you concede they got a bit too high?”

Anthony Albanese then showed his outstanding ability to do anything but answer a direct question, a talent that is as essential to politicians as lesbians are to a women’s soccer team. But even without such a talent of evasion, answering this question would still have been beyond the prime minister as the truthful answer is terrifying.

Australia, and many other Western countries for that matter, has been a Ponzi scheme for decades. A Ponzi scheme is fraud. Usually a Ponzi scheme collapses when the money runs out, but this Ponzi scheme is different. The capital on this scheme is not just money but also human capital. And based on the very soft question from the journalist quoted above, the human capital is starting to notice that the pot is not just warm but close to cooking temperature.

Australia has been on a five decade drug fix of spending on social security. The bill has been getting bigger and bigger while an ever increasing proportion of the population expects to live off it. For example, in order to win the upcoming election both sides of power have recently announced huge increases in spending on public health without any conceivable plan of how it will be paid.

In addition to this massive increase in government spending has been the de-industrialisation of the nation. In the early nineties the government sold the line that manufacturing was demeaning work not worthy of a Western nation like Australia. We would give away all of that industrial base to countries in Asia, while we became the “smart economy” which was an economy based on pushing paper around a desk. And for a while it seemed to work. Australians were getting more affluent. We could all afford a big flat screen television.

But the bill for all of this had to be paid, and we have been paying it for a long time. The bill is mass immigration. Any immigrants will do as long as they are alive. Growth at all costs is the only factor that counts. As long as the artificially controlled growth continues at a red neck pace, as long as the GDP is continually boosted with thousands of new people every day who need a place to live in and food to eat, as long as the drug of mass immigration keeps being shot into the flaccid arm of the nation, then the can will be kicked just a little bit further down the road.

No matter the cost to the human capital of the nation, to the native population; no matter to the cost to infrastructure as it crumbles under the weight of far more people than it was ever planned for; no matter the cost to moral cohesion; no matter the cost to the nation’s resources such as fresh water, (no new dams built in decades but the existing dams were planned for a population half of the size we have now); no matter the cost to the nation’s ability to operate at a first world level as our collective IQ goes down the drain, none of this matters.

The only thing that matters is that the current massive fraud continues while the current politicians are in office, so they are not left holding the poisoned bag. Every politician knows this. Any new politician that enters parliament and does not know this is very quickly and quietly brought up to speed. Any politician that does not get with the program to keep the Ponzi scheme going is marginalised, silenced, ridiculed, prosecuted or jailed.

Corporations and big business are the kingpins now, and they have been for some time. The citizens of the nation are at best merely economic units. This is the result of secular capitalism. Our politicians no longer have to answer to God, but to merchants. We have our big screen televisions, but at what cost? The cost is everything I have written here, but also much more. Mass immigration can never stop under the present democratic system because it is the only thing propping up that system.

That is why the government is so terrified of the growing nationalist movement. And the more the pot boils, the more that the people begin to notice, the more that nationalism grows and the nation begins to fracture along ethnic lines, then the more totalitarian the government will become as it frantically does anything it can to avoid paying the bill for our folly.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase Adam’s books here.