Home Opinion What we can do to save Australia

What we can do to save Australia


How do we save Australia, and by default many other countries that have been taken over and almost destroyed by terrorist Marxist Satanists? The problem appears so big, so insurmountable, that salvaging some hope from the wreckage seems impossible. But despair is their poison of choice, and fear is their main weapon. Giving in and refusing to act is tantamount to not just surrender, but tacit agreement.

To save Australia there are two major steps that must be taken. One is in the hands of the authorities, while the other step is in the hands of every single Australian. There is indeed something that you can do, something big, something profound, something powerful, and they don’t want you to do it. So in order to stop you, they fill your head with lies and propaganda, while distracting you with fake outrages, numbing you with materialistic pleasures, and commanding your trust and loyalty by supposedly saving you from the crises that they purposefully create.

So let’s talk about what we can actually do to save the situation, and take back our country.

Their play for power and domination has been ongoing for over sixty years. The last real and effective Australian prime minister that was loyal to the Australian people was Robert Menzies, whose political career ended in 1966. Harold Holt was also real and loyal, but he was not altogether effective. Even so, he was disappeared from a remote Australian beach.

Photos from the early sixties show a time capsule of an Australia that once was. Even at a social gathering to watch a cricket match, the men wear suits, hats, shirts and trousers, while the women sport elegant dresses that cover their shoulders and knees. A few years later and the social deterioration was clear in the extent to which public standards of dress had sharply fallen away.

Perth Royal Show, 1958.

Just 24 scant years lie between those two photos. And yet there is a gulf so wide that the people captured by the camera inhabit two different social worlds. Two different cultures. The first photo shows a Christian society and culture, while the second photo shows a post-Christian society with the cultural remnants of the former.

For the people in 1958, Vatican II was just around the corner. Vatican II was the gloves off moment for our terrorist Marxist Satanic enemies. Everything that came after, the contraception, the no fault divorce, the legal and celebrated homosexuality and other perversions, the sexual revolution, feminism, the pornography, the unending propaganda via television and film, the destruction of the manufacturing economy, the mass influx of incompatible foreigners, the rise of social security and the dependence on the State, the medical-industrial complex, the poisoning of our food, the poisoning of our skies, the climate change hoax, the erosion of beauty in every form, all of it came from a single source, the opening of that one Pandora’s Box.

We were told that God didn’t matter, that Christianity didn’t matter. And they waved baubles in our faces, and promised freedom, and we believed them because we wanted to believe them. All of the men in those two photos could easily support a wife and family and purchase a comfortable home in the suburbs on the living wage that they earned.

Today, that is no longer the case. Our social and cultural protections are gone, and now all that matters is big business, big politics, big corporations, and big profits. We are no longer citizens of our own nation, rather we are economic units. They tell us that our country needs to be a winning team to compete with the rest of the world. The people in that first photo were not part of a winning team. The people in the second photo were on their way. To the descendants of those people, how do you feel now that you can’t afford a house or family, that your women are poisoned with woke mind viruses, that your children are taught at school to pleasure themselves and change their sex, how do you feel? Hey, but at least we’re winning, right?

They made it so big, they now have so much control that it seems useless for us to resist.

But if they were so powerful, why the need for the latest hate speech laws? Why did Australian men get arrested on Australia Day for waving Australian flags? What are our enemies so worried about?

They are worried that we are on the verge of waking up. But not an awakening where they get thrown out of power and some of our people manage to get in. Because our people would end up compromised just as every hopeful aspirant before them has been compromised. Because the System is sick and evil. You don’t beat the System by joining the System. You beat it by tearing it down, and all you need to do to tear it down is to erect something else in its place first. And then the tearing down will happen of itself.

What we can do is to willingly go back to God. To live Christian lives. To take our families back to God. To encourage them to live Christian lives by being an example. And that means acting the part. Dressing the part is a facet of this Christian attitude. But it is only one aspect, there are many others. We need to become a Christian society once again.

If a good number of us went back to God tomorrow then this nightmare would be well on the way to being over. God is whom we must stand for. I don’t stand against feminism, as an example. I stand for God, and Christianity, and a Christian nation. With those things feminism falls away of its own accord, as do all of the other social diseases. We must not be defined by what we stand against, but rather what we stand for. That is what those young men arrested on Australia Day lacked.

Our part is to go back to God. The State’s part is to send the invaders back to where they came from. The two are inextricably linked. We will not have one without the other. Which is great news. The power is in our hands. That’s the bedrock, that’s the basis. Everything else is just noise. If you’re not on the way to becoming a serious traditional Christian, then you’re not in the game.