Chinese Hate Crime Terrorist wanted “Revenge on White People”


This is both a hate crime and terrorism.


The Chinese national suspected of pouring hot coffee on a baby in a park wanted “revenge on white people” after he was denied another Australian visa, a friend in China has claimed.

There are several points to unpack in this opening paragraph.

The Chinese man who poured a cup of hot coffee on a baby committed a violent act. This violent act was motivated by a racial grievance against White people, thus it was a hate crime. This violent act was also politically motivated due to his anger at being refuse a visa, this it was politically motivated violence, the very definition of terrorism.

Obviously, if the roles were reversed this would be front page news and the culprit would already be locked away for life.

Importantly, he didn’t commit terrorism against any random multicultural person, he committed terrorism against a White Australian. This demonstrates that for all the government’s proclamations that Australia is a multicultural country, foreigners rightly perceive Australia as being a White nation. The only people who are not allowed to acknowledge this is White Australians.

Baby Luka was with his mum in Hanlon Park on August 27 when a man, who the family had never met, poured hot coffee on the baby before fleeing – leaving him with life-changing injuries.

The man’s identity was finally revealed by with Chinese media this week, with sources saying he is a 33-year-old national who had been in Australia on a mix of working holiday and student visas.

This news is just as explosive. It confirms that foreigners use working holiday and student visas as a back door to permanent residence and citizenship. This implicates universities as accomplices in Australia’s mass replacement immigration Ponzi scheme.

Police in Queensland only managed to identify him themselves after he’d already fled the country, with an international arrest warrant out for his arrest.

But with her baby’s alleged attacker still on the run, Luka’s mother has now asked: “Where is he now?”

Queensland Police are equally complicit, given they refused to provide an accurate description of the Chinese man in order to avoid “creating bias”. This compounds the irony, given the man’s act of terror was racially motivated against White Australians.

This reveals the nature of the Australian Regime. Our rulers hate us, they are replacing us, and they facilitate terror against us.

White people across the West are waking up to this fact. Remigration is the headline policy of so-called “far right” parties across Europe, and Donald Trump is openly calling for mass deportations.

In Australia, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party continues to send mixed messages on its commitment to Anglos. It commendably advocates for zero net migration, yet its representatives tacitly support multiculturalism.

For Australians to have a country again, mass deportations must be carried out. For this to occur White Australians must take power. If One Nation proves an insufficient vehicle with which to achieve this goal, another party will take its place.

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David has studied history and political science at Melbourne University. His thesis was written on how the utilisation of Missile Defence can help to achieve nuclear disarmament. His interest in history was piqued by playing a flight simulator computer game about the Battle of Britain, and he hopes to one day siphon the earnings from his political writings into funding the greatest prog-rock concept album the world has ever seen.